Program Offerings
Dedicated one-on-one time for a customized experience responsive to your needs an individual. Set goals, analyze problems, and create strategies with your teacher to move forward in your musical journey.
The Feldenkrais Method® is a means of becoming more aware of one’s body and how one uses it in order to find more comfort, ease and efficiency in all movement and actions.
Explore the nuances of collaborative music-making through rehearsals, coachings, score study and analysis, and more.
Everyone experiences performance anxiety at various points in their relationship with music. Through movement, dialogue, and performance practice, we learn to reframe this challenge as an opportunity.
A practice that connects the body, breath, and mind, Yoga uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall well-being and can be a wonderful supplement to musical practice.
A discipline that combines piano performance, accompaniment, and music pedagogy, collaborative piano is an opportunity to enrich your knowledge of the literature and tailor your approach to working with others.
Workshop and one-on-one opportunities to express yourself creatively through developing your voice as a composer.
Workshop and one-on-one opportunities to explore the art of arranging and orchestration. A wonderful way to add your creative spin to existing material, and make your own opportunities to perform music you love with friends.
Deepen your connection to the harmonic and structural underpinnings in the music you perform, perceive, and create.
Renew and revitalize your own approach to teaching through a customized reflective journey in responsive pedagogy, with your personal artistry at the core.
Workshops and one-on-one opportunities to discuss your musical path in life.